Here we are again. End of December looking back at everything that happened throughout this whole year, that bittersweet reflection of everything you’ve done throughout the past 365 days. That sort of painful sit down of looking back knowing it’s about to be nothing but memories in the past. Knowing all those moments were literally once in a lifetime. It’s so bittersweet. Last year I wrote one of my most honest and real posts “How to Live Before You Die” - it’s become one of my favorites just because of all the lessons I learned throughout 2018. All the light that came from the dark, the connecting of the dots I couldn't see at the times.

So yes, here we are again. Looking back at what I’ve learned in 2019.. And let me tell you it’s been a crazy one. I traveled to different corners of the world with my best friend, found myself more than I thought I ever would - which created a whole new connection between myself and others, I fell in love with life, I for once felt confident with all that I create and put out into the world of my blog and Instagram.

It was beautiful. But it was also ugly..

I wanted to give up on my life; my dreams / my goals, I’ve had to give myself closure on relationships and situations, I’ve been fighting the battle of depression and anxiety more than I’d like to confidently admit, I’ve wanted a change in life I can’t seem to grasp.

But all of that’s life. It’s the mindset you carry around that really impacts the life you live from all that is beautiful and ugly.

So after really sitting down and rereading this past chapter of my life, I want to share some of the lessons I’ve learned throughout all I did this year.

  • You are the youngest you’ll ever be in this moment right now. Live it up. Everyone I’ve ever talked to that is older only wishes to be young again - even if it were just for a day. I can not even tell you how many times I heard “You’re only young once! Do it while you can” OR “What I would do to be that age again”. It was a constant reminder to be as wild as I can knowing that being young is a good excuse for it.

  • It’s okay to choose yourself. It’s okay to love yourself. Some days will be harder than others. Self love and self growth isn’t a destination but a journey. It’s not an end goal but the process of showing up everyday, putting the boots on for the uphill battles you don’t want to endure in order to see the beautiful views.

  • I’ve also learned that everyone is on their own journey of life. Paths will align for a period of time for them to break apart later down the road. This is life.. Sometimes there’s no real reason or force for these paths to divide but life will have plans for you and your own.

  • Traveling is the best way to learn about yourself and life. Plain and simple. You won’t know it until you’re in a different country on the other side of the world.

  • To grow you must get out of your comfort zone.. No stories come from playing it safe.

  • Money is nothing but a controlling substance to this society, nothing merely but a piece of paper. Once you let go of the mindset that saving money and working to build your bank account makes for a good life - you will be even more rich than any amount of money could give. Life is truly priceless. Beautiful moments happen around you everyday.

  • Buy a disposable camera for out of country experiences. For those moments you go clubbing or out to a bar and don’t want to carry around your camera. Capture moments you don’t want to forget but almost will.

  • Write down everything. Thoughts as they come, feelings as they flow, the moments we are in. Only the stories we write, will be told.

  • Dance in the rain.

  • Chase your dreams and just grin with motivation when people laugh at how big they are.

  • Do more for yourself - you will be able to do more for others when you’re fully catered to.

  • You won’t have support on everything you do in life. It’s okay, this is your own journey to abide to. Nobody elses - sometimes it means doing it alone.

  • If you ever find a flight to Thailand for $500 or a flight to Europe for $120 - you book those fucking tickets and you make it work even if you don’t think you can.

  • Sleep when you’re dead. Use the motivation you have as it comes. You are so powerful right now, work hard to play harder.

  • Write a letter to yourself at the beginning of this new year and read it at the end of the year. See what’s changed, how far you’ve come, what you accomplished and what you didn’t. It’s beautiful to see growth.

  • Treat everyone like it’s their last day.

  • Everyone has a story to tell.. You can learn from every single person you meet if you really let them. We all live such different lives which means we all have different lessons and outlooks to give. You never know how much you might need to hear someones story or how much someone needs to hear yours.

  • When you say goodbye to people always say you love them.

  • Live in a van / car for awhile. It makes you realize how little you need and how much you do appreciate all that you really need.

  • Solo travel is the most soul refreshing thing you can do for yourself.

  • Watch more sunrises. Have more moments with the world when nobody is around. Before the sun is fully up or long after the sun has set, when the earth is yours.
    Love isn’t always a person. It’s a cup of coffee early on a Sunday morning. A fuzzy blanket fresh out of the dryer. Hugging your best friend you haven’t seen in a week. Finding a pair of jeans that fit right. Love is recognizing the person staring back in the mirror and smiling to them.

  • Try new food no matter what it looks or smells like.

  • Do small acts of kindness. Compliment strangers, hold the door open for people, give a smile.

  • When you start allowing yourself bad days - they seem to not come as often or not stick around for too long.

  • Take selfies at beautiful places - don’t always capture just the landscape. Selfies or photos of the person you’re enjoying it with are the best photos, they hold more feelings.

  • Always keep a small journal on you. For thank you notes, phone numbers, to do lists, ideas, words you hear and so on. Don’t let these thoughts and words go on the back burner.

  • Stay in a hostel once in your life, you will meet such great people.

  • Everything is temporary. Moments, feelings, people, places, this version of yourself. Everything is a once in a lifetime moment and if you don’t look at it that way you will never fully appreciate it. Everything being temporary is painful but beautiful because it makes you soak everything in more but again it comes and goes.

  • Nobody has life figured out. There is no guidebook to this thing we call life or else everyone would live the same one and there’s no fun in that. You write your own book, you decide where it takes place, who you meet and what you do. You decide when it’s time for a new story.

Wow I could go on and on here.. Some of these were wrote down throughout the year in random journal entries; highlighted, circled or underlined. Some were literally with a note to self. And then some others I was just thinking of as I sat here and really started to look back at everything this year taught me. It was an incredible year for growth. I can say it once and a million times but this is the year that truly changed me, mostly because I forced myself to get uncomfortable in life by getting out of that little box of safety I relied on. Once I did that, it opened up a whole new world to me and my life.
I hope that you can always find a lesson no matter what point of life you’re in and where you are. What changed my world and mindset here could mean nothing to you and that’s why I love sharing my mind and heart with you, so I can see what resonates with you guys.

Let me know something you learned throughout this last season of life, no matter how big or small. I’d love to hear below in the comments..

Hope you’re enjoying the more real and raw posts lately, for some reason they feel right this time of the year.

Thank you for being Lost in a Dream with me

With lots of love,


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